
Eureka Math²




Level K

Module 1: Counting and Cardinality

Topic A: Classify to Make Categories and Count

Lesson 1: Compare objects based on their attributes.
Lesson 3: Classify objects into two categories and count.


Topic B: Answer How Many Questions with Up to 5 Objects

Lesson 3: Sort by Same Color


Topic C: Write Numerals and Create Sets of Up to 5 Objects

Lesson 10: Count out a group of objects to match a numeral.


Topic E: Answer How Many Questions with Up to 10 Objects

Lesson 19: Organize, count, and represent a collection of objects.
Lesson 20: Count objects in 5-group and array configurations and match to a numeral.
Lesson 23: Conserve number regardless of the order in which objects are counted.


Module 2: Two- and Three- Dimensional Shapes

Topic A: Analyze and Name Two-Dimensional Shapes

Lesson 1: Find and describe attributes of flat shapes.
Lesson 2: Classify shapes as triangles or nontriangles.
Lesson 3: Classify shapes as circles, hexagons, or neither.
Lesson 4: Classify shapes as rectangles or nonrectangles, with square rectangles as a special case.


Module 3: Comparison

Topic C: Compare Sets Within 10

Lesson 12: Relate more and fewer to length.
Lesson 13: Compare sets by using more than, fewer than, and the same number as.


Module 4: Composition and Decomposition

Topic A: Explore Composition and Decomposition

Lesson 1: Compose flat shapes and count the parts.
Lesson 2: Decompose flat shapes and count the parts.
Lesson 3: Decompose a group to identify parts and total.


Topic B: Record Composition and Decomposition

Lesson 5: Sort to decompose a number in more than one way.
Lesson 6: Decompose a number in more than one way and record.


Module 5: Addition and Subtraction

Topic A: Represent Addition

Lesson 1: Represent add to with result unknown story problems by using drawings and numbers.


Topic B: Represent Subtraction

Lesson 8: Understand taking away as a type of subtraction.


Topic C: Make Sense of Problems

Lesson 15: Identify the action in a problem to represent and solve it.


Level 1

Module 1: Counting, Comparison, and Addition

Topic A: Count and Compare with Data

Lesson 2: Organize and represent data to compare two categories.


Module 2: Addition and Subtraction Relationships

Topic A: Reason About Take From Situations

Lesson 1: Represent result unknown problems and record as addition or subtraction number sentences.
Lesson 3: Subtract 1 or subtract 1 less than the total.


Topic B: Relate and Distinguish Addition and Subtraction

Lesson 5: Use the Read–Draw–Write process to solve result unknown problems.
Lesson 6: Represent and solve related addition and subtraction result unknown problems.
Lesson 7: Count on or count back to solve related addition and subtraction problems.


Topic C: Find an Unknown Part in Change Unknown Problems

Lesson 8: Interpret and find an unknown change.
Lesson 11: Represent and solve take from with change unknown problems.


Module 3: Properties of Operations to Make Easier Problems

Topic B: Make Easier Problems to Add

Lesson 9: Make ten with either addend.


Topic D: Reason about Ten as a Unit to Add or Subtract

Lesson 16: Identify ten as a unit.


Module 5: Place Value Concepts to Compare, Add, and Subtract

Topic A: Grouping Units in Tens and Ones

Lesson 2: Count a collection and record the total in units of tens and ones.
Lesson 4: Represent a number in multiple ways by trading 10 ones for a ten.
Lesson 6: Add 10 or take 10 from a two-digit number.


Topic D: Addition and Subtraction of Tens

Lesson 15: Count on and back by tens to add and subtract.
Lesson 16: Use related single-digit facts to add and subtract multiples of ten.


Level 2

Module 1: Place Value Concepts Through Metric Measurement and Data · Place Value, Counting, and Comparing Within 1,000

Topic A: Representing Data to Solve Problems

Lesson 3: Use information presented in a bar graph to solve put together and take apart problems.
Lesson 4: Use information presented in a bar graph to solve compare problems.


Topic C: Estimate, Measure, and Compare Lengths

Lesson 12: Model and reason about the difference in length.


Topic D: Solve Compare Problems by Using the Ruler as a Number Line

Lesson 15: Use a measuring tape as a number line to add efficiently.

Lesson 17: Represent and solve comparison problems by using measurement contexts.


Module 2: Addition and Subtraction Within 200

Topic A: Simplifying Strategies for Addition

Lesson 1: Reason about addition with four addends.


Module 5: Money, Data, and Customary Measurement

Topic A: Problem Solving with Coins and Bills

Lesson 1: Organize, count, and represent a collection of coins.
Lesson 2: Use the fewest number of coins to make a given value.
Lesson 5: Use different strategies to make 1 dollar or to make change from 1 dollar.
Lesson 3: Solve one- and two-step word problems to find the total value of a group of coins.


Topic B: Use Customary Units to Measure and Estimate Length

Lesson 12: Identify unknown numbers on a number line by using the interval as a reference point.


Topic C: Use Measurement and Data to Solve Problems

Lesson 15: Use measurement data to create a line plot.
“Lesson 16: Create a line plot to represent data and ask and answer questions.
60 min


Level 3

Module 1: Multiplication and Division with Units of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

Topic A: Conceptual Understanding of Multiplication

Lesson 2: Interpret equal groups as multiplication.


Topic C: Properties of Multiplication

Lesson 10: Demonstrate the commutative property of multiplication using a unit of 2 and the array model.


Topic D: Two Interpretations of Division

Lesson 15: Model division as an unknown factor problem.


Module 2: Place Value Concepts Through Metric Measurement

Topic A: Understanding Place Value Concepts Through Metric Measurement

Lesson 1: Connect the composition of 1 kilogram to the composition of 1 thousand.


Topic C: Simplifying Strategies to Find Sums and Differences

Lesson 13: Collect and represent data in a scaled bar graph and solve related problems.
Lesson 14: Use place value understanding to add and subtract like units.
Lesson 15: Use the associative property to make the next ten to add.
Lesson 16: Use compensation to add.


Topic D: Two- and Three-Digit Measurement Addition and Subtraction

Lesson 20: Add measurements using the standard algorithm to compose larger units once.
Lesson 21: Add measurements using the standard algorithm to compose larger units twice.


Module 3: Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Topic B: Multiplication and Division Concepts with an Emphasis on the Unit of 7

Lesson 11: Use the break apart and distribute strategy to divide with units of 7.
Lesson 12: Solve one-step word problems involving multiplication and division.


Module 4: Multiplication and Area

Topic A: Foundations for Understanding Area

Lesson 2: Recognize area as an attribute of polygons.
Lesson 3: Tile polygons to find their areas.


Topic B: Concepts of Area Measurement

Lesson 6: Tile rectangles with squares to make arrays and relate the side lengths to area.
Lesson 7: Draw rows and columns to complete a rectangular array and determine its area.


Module 6: Geometry, Measurement, and Data

Topic D: Collecting and Displaying Dat

Lesson 23: Solve problems by creating scaled picture graphs and scaled bar graphs.


Level 4

Module 1: Place Value Concepts for Addition and Subtraction

Topic A: Multiplication as Multiplicative Comparison

Lesson 1: Interpret multiplication as multiplicative comparison.


Module 2: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division

Topic E: Factors and Multiples

Lesson 24: Recognize that a number is a multiple of each of its factors.
Lesson 25: Explore properties of prime and composite numbers up to 100 by using multiples.


Module 4: Foundations for Fraction Operations

Lesson 1: Decompose whole numbers into a sum of unit fractions.

Lesson 1: Decompose whole numbers into a sum of unit fractions.
Lesson 3: Decompose fractions into a sum of fractions.
Lesson 4: Represent fractions by using various fraction models.
Lesson 5: Rename fractions greater than 1 as mixed numbers.


Topic D: Add and Subtract Fractions

Lesson 21: Solve addition and subtraction word problems and estimate the reasonableness of the answers.


Topic F: Repeated Addition of Fractions as Multiplication

Lesson 32: Multiply a fraction by a whole number by using the associative property.


Module 5: Place Value Concepts for Decimal Fractions

Topic A: Exploration of Tenths

Lesson 1: Organize, count, and represent a collection of money.
Lesson 3: Represent tenths as a place value unit.
Lesson 4: Write mixed numbers in decimal form with tenths.


Topic B: Tenths and Hundredths

Lesson 5: Decompose 1 one and express hundredths in fraction form and decimal form.
Lesson 6: Represent hundredths as a place value unit.
Lesson 7: Write mixed numbers in decimal form with hundredths.


Topic C: Comparison of Decimal Numbers

Lesson 10: Use pictorial representations to compare decimal numbers.
Lesson 11: Compare and order decimal numbers.


Level 5

Module 1: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers

Topic B: Multiplication of Whole Numbers

Lesson 8: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the distributive property.
Lesson 9: Multiply two- and three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers by using the standard algorithm.


Topic C: Division of Whole Numbers

Lesson 15: Divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers in problems that result in two-digit quotients.


Module 2: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

Topic A: Fractions and Division

Lesson 1: Interpret a fraction as division.

Lesson 3: Represent fractions as division by using models.
Lesson 4: Solve word problems involving division and fractions.


Module 3: Multiplication and Division with Fractions

Topic B: Multiplication of Fractions

Lesson 7: Multiply fractions less than 1 by unit fractions pictorially.
Lesson 8: Multiply fractions less than 1 pictorially.

Lesson 9: Multiply fractions by unit fractions by making simpler problems.
Lesson 10: Multiply fractions greater than 1 by fractions.
Lesson 11: Multiply fractions.


Module 5: Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume

Topic C: Volume Concepts

Lesson 17: Find the volume of right rectangular prisms by packing with unit cubes and counting.
Lesson 18: Find the volume of right rectangular prisms by packing with improvised units.


Topic D: Volume and the Operations of Multiplication and Addition

Lesson 25: Find the volumes of solid figures composed of right rectangular prisms.


Level 6

Module 1: Ratios, Rates, and Percents

Topic A: Ratios

Lesson 2: Introduction to Ratios


Topic B: Collections of Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 6: Ratios Tables and Double Number Lines
Lesson 9: Multiplication Patterns in Ratio Relationships


Topic D: Rates

Lesson 16: Speed
Lesson 17: Rates
Lesson 18: Comparing Rates
Lesson 19: Unit Rates to Convert Units
Lesson 20: Solving Rate Problems


Module 2: Operations with Fractions and Multi-Digit Numbers

Topic B: Dividing Fractions

Lesson 6: Dividing a Whole Number by a Fraction
Lesson 8: Dividing Fractions by Making Common Denominators


Topic C: Dividing Fractions Fluently

Lesson 9: Dividing Fractions by Using Tape Diagrams


Topic D: Decimal Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication

Lesson 13: Decimal Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 16: Applications of Decimal Operations


Topic F: Decimal Division

Lesson 21: Dividing a Decimals by a Whole Number
Lesson 22: Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal Greater than 1
Lesson 23: Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal Less than 1


Module 3: Rational Numbers

Topic A: Integers and Rational Numbers

Lesson 1: Positive and Negative Numbers
Lesson 3: Rational Numbers


Module 4: Expressions and One-Step Equations

Topic B: Expressions and Real-World Problems

Lesson 9: Addition and Subtraction Expressions from the Real-World


Topic C: Equivalent Expressions Using the Properties of Operations

Lesson 13: The Distributive Property


Topic D: Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 17: Equations and Solutions
Lesson 18: Inequalities and Solutions
Lesson 19: Solving Equations with Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 20: Solving Equations with Multiplication and Division
Lesson 21: Solving Problems with Equations


Module 5: Area, Surface Area, and Volume

Topic A: Areas of Polygons

Lesson 1: The Area of a Parallelogram
Lesson 2: The Area of a Right Triangle
Lesson 3: The Area of a Triangle
Lesson 4: Areas of Triangles in Real-World Situations


Topic B: Problem Solving with Area

Lesson 5: Perimeter and Area in the Coordinate Plane
Lesson 6: Problem Solving with Area in the Coordinate Plane
Lesson 7: Areas of Trapezoids and Other Polygons
Lesson 8: Areas of Composite Rigures in Real-World Situations


Topic C: Nets and Surface Area

Lesson 12: From Nets to Surface Area


Module 6: Statistics

Topic A: Understanding Distributions

Lesson 2: Describing a Data Distribution
Lesson 3: Creating a Dot Plot
Lesson 4: Creating a Histogram


Topic B: Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation

Lesson 7: Using the Mean to Describe Center


Level 7

Module 1: Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Topic A: Understanding Proportional Relationships

Lesson 1: An Experiment with Ratios and Rates
Lesson 2: Exploring Tables and Proportional Relationships
Lesson 4: Exploring Graphs of Proportional Relationships


Topic C: Scale Drawing and Proportional Relationships

Lesson 14: Extreme Bicycles
Lesson 15: Scale Drawing
Lesson 16: Using Scale Factor
Lesson 17: Finding Actual Distances from Scale
Lesson 18: Relating Areas of Scale Drawing


Module 2: Operations with Rational Numbers

Topic A: Adding Rational Numbers

Lesson 2: Adding Integers


Topic B: Subtracting Rational Numbers

Lesson 8: Subtracting Integers, Part 1
Lesson 10: Subtracting Rational Numbers, Part 1


Topic E: Numberical Expressions with Rational Numbers

Lesson 25: Writing and Evaluating Expressions with Rational Numbers


Module 3: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Topic A: Equivalent Expressions

Lesson 1: Equivalent Expressions


Topic B: Unknown Angle Measurements

Lesson 7: Angle Relationships and Unknown Angle Measures


Topic C: Solving Equations

Lesson 11: Dominoes and Dominoes


Topic D: Inequalities

Lesson 18: Understanding Inequalities and Their Solutions
Lesson 19: Using Equations to Solve Inequalities
Lesson 20: Preserving and Reversing
Lesson 21: Solving Two-Step Inequalities
Lesson 22: Solving Problems Involving Inequalities


Module 4: Geometry

Topic A: Constructing Geometric Figures

Lesson 3: Side Lengths of a Triangle
Lesson 4: Angles of a Triangle


Topic C: Circumference and Areas of Circles

Lesson 10: The Outside of a Cicle
Lesson 11: The Inside of a Circle
Lesson 14: Composite Figures with Circular Regions


Module 5: Percent and Applications of Percent

Topic A: Proportion and Percent

Lesson 3: Percent as a Rate per 100
Lesson 4: Proportion and Percent


Topic C: More of Less Than 100%

Lesson 10: Percent Increase


Topic D: Applications of Percent

Lesson 16: Markups and Discount
Lesson 18: Simple Interest – Solving for Unknown Values


Topic E: Problems Involving Percent

Lesson 20: Making Money, Day 1


Module 6: Probability and Populations

Topic A: Calculating and Interpreting Probabilities

Lesson 2: Empirical Probability
Lesson 4: Theoretical Probability


Topic B: Estimating Probabilities

Lesson 7: The Law of Large Numbers


Topic C: Random Sampling

Lesson 11: Populations and Samples


Level 8

Module 1: Scientific Notation, Exponents, and Irrational Numbers

Topic A: Introduction to Scientific Notation

Lesson 2: Comparing Large Numbers
Lesson 4: Adding and Subtracting Numbers Written in Scientific Notation


Topic B: Properties and Definitions of Exponents

Lesson 6: More Properties of Exponents
Lesson 7: Making Sense of the Exponent 0


Topic D: Perfect Squares, Perfect Cubes, and the Pythagorean Theorem

Lesson 18: The Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 19: Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 23: Ordering Irrational Numbers


Module 2: Rigid Motions and Congruent Figures

Topic A: Rigid Motion and Their Properties

Lesson 1: Motions in the Plane
Lesson 2: Translations
Lesson 4: Translations and Reflections on the Coordinate Plane
Lesson 6: Rotations on the Coordinate Plane


Topic B: Rigid Motions and Congruent Figures

Lesson 8: Sequencing the Rigid Motions


Topic C: Angle Relationships

Lesson 12: Lines Cut by a Transversal


Module 3: Dilations and Similar Figures

Topic A: Dilations

Lesson 1: Exploring Dilations
Lesson 3: Reductions and More Enlargments


Topic B: Properties of Dilations

Lesson 5: Figures and Dilations


Module 4: Linear Equations in One and Two Variables

Topic A: Linear Equations in One Variable

Lesson 3: Solving Linear Equations with Rational Coefficients


Topic D: Slope of a Line

Lesson 16: Proportional Relationships and Slope
Lesson 17: Slopes of Rising Lines
Lesson 18: Slopes of Falling Lines


Topic E: Different Forms of a Linear Equation

Lesson 20: Slope-Intercept form of the Equation of a Line
Lesson 21: Slopes and Parallel Lines


Module 5: Systems of Linear Equations

Topic A: Solving Systems of Linear Equations Graphically

Lesson 1: Solving Problems with Equations and Their Graphs


Topic B: Solving Systems of Linear Equations Algebraically

Lesson 6: Solving Systems of Linear Equations without Graphing


Module 6: Functions and Bivariate Statistics

Topic A: Functions

Lesson 1: Motion and Speed
Lesson 2: Definition of a Function


Topic B: Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Lesson 9: Increasing and Decreasing Functions


Topic C: Bivariate Numerical Data

Lesson 11: Scatter Plots
Lesson 12: Patterns in Scatter Plots
Lesson 13: Informally Fitting a Line to Data
Lesson 14: Determining an Equation of a Line Fit to Data
Lesson 15: Linear Model
Lesson 16: Using the Investigative Process
Lesson 17: Analyzing the Modle


Topic D: Bivariate Categorical Data

Lesson 18: Bivariate Categorical Data


Topic E: Volume

Lesson 22: Volume of a Cylinder
Lesson 23: Volume of Cones


Algebra 1

Module 1: Expressions, Equations and Inequalities in One Variable

Lesson 1: The Growing Pattern of Ducks
Lesson 8: Solution Sets for Equations and Inequalities in One Variable
Lesson 9: Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
Lesson 12: Rearranging Formulas

Lesson 13: Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Lesson 21: Describing Variability in a Univariate Distribution with Standard Deviation


Module 2: Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables

Lesson 1: Solution Sets of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Lesson 6: Applications of Linear Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 8: Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Lesson 12: Solution Sets of Systems of Linear Inequalities
Lesson 13: Graphing Solution Sets of Systems of Linear Inequalities
Lesson 16: Using Lines to Model Bivariate Quantitative Data
Lesson 17: Modeling Relationships with a Line
Lesson 18: Calculating and Analyzing Residuals
Lesson 20: Interpreting Correlation

Lesson 21: Analyzing Bivariate Quantitative Data


Module 3: Functions and Their Representations

Lesson 7: Exploring Key Features of a Function and Its Graph
Lesson 17: Piecewise Linear Functions in Context


Module 4: Quadratic Functions

Topic A: Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs
Lesson 1: Falling Objects
Lesson 2: Projectile Motion
Lesson 3: Analyzing Functions That Model Projectile Motion
Lesson 4: Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Lesson 5: Solving Equations that Contain Factored Expressions
Lesson 11: Graphing Quadratic Functions from Factored Form
Lesson 14: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Lesson 27: Search and Rescue Helicopter


Module 5: Linear and Exponential Functions

Topic A: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Lesson 8: Exponential Functions
Topic A: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Topic A: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Lesson 18: Modeling Populations
Lesson 20: Comparing Growth of Functions


Module 6: Modeling with Functions

Topic A: Modeling Bivariate Quantitative Data
Topic B: Developing Models for Contexts